
The Brief: Design a
to do list type app.

As part of a design challenge, I was tasked with creating a to do list type mobile application within a 10 hour time frame.

*The following is a hypothetical application created for practice*

To do list requirements:

  • Title: A title that describes what the task is.
  • Description: A short description of the task.
  • Status: The current status of the task (i.e. Pending, Done).
  • Due Date: A date by which the task should be complete.

What are the problems with standard to do lists?

While performing researching, I came across an intriguing paper by E. J. Masicampo, an associate professor of psychology at Wake Forest University. He claimed that procrastinators tend to use to do lists as a tool of procrastination rather than productivity.

"To enter a task onto one's to do list is
sometimes a way of saying 'I'll do this later'."

– E. J. Masicampo

I gathered the perspectives of online procrastinators

I looked through Reddit threads on subreddits such as r/productivity and r/getdisciplined to learn why people put off doing work.

Why do procrastinators procrastinate?

While secondary research uncovered a myriad of reasons for stalling productivity, I chose to focus on 4 reasons to narrow the scope of the design.

Task Paralysis

Procrastinators often find themselves unable to begin tasks due to perfectionism, overanalyzing, or other factors.

Difficulty Prioritizing

Procrastinators write everything they need to do down on a to-do list. However, this approach leads to them feeling overwhelmed as they don’t know which tasks to complete first.


Procrastinators don’t see the the reward at the end of the tunnel, they only see the hard work that is required to complete a task.

Disconnect with future self

Procrastinators view the consequences of their delay as something that someone else will experience.


The current site is an usability nightmare

I ran a moderated usability test with 5 participants in order to benchmark the site’s performance. The participants indicated that the site was frustrating to navigate, induced headaches due to information overload, and featured an outdated visual design that contributed to an overall suboptimal user experience.

"So I'm looking for the Disaster Relief Volunteerism Credential . . . I don't really know where to start, there is just a lot off the bat."
"I'm trying to click Board of Directors, but it keeps deselecting. It's annoying trying to hover over it [the nested tab] perfectly."
It's pretty hard to read the white text over the photos. I have to strain to make it out.
"This site looks like it hasn't been update since the early 2000s."
"Wow that is a huge wall of text. Yeah, . . . I'm not even going to try to read that."
“If I wasn’t doing this [moderated usability test], I would have clicked off already.”
"Wow that donation button is pretty small, and aren't they usually at the top of the page?"
"Do I click it [donation button] if I want to donate to Ukraine? Or is it a general donation button to like, the organization?
"How do I know my money will go to the right cause?"

Analytics confirmed
low site engagement

When I ran Google Analytics on the site, the data indicated that users tend to click off the site pretty fast. When they do stay, they visit only a few pages, making discoverability of the volunteer and donation pages critical.


BouncE Rate for New users


Average pages per session


Volunteer page view rate
Key concepts

The impact vs. effort matrix can help users prioritize their tasks.

In this framework, impact (created by completing the task) is denoted by one axis while effort (required to complete the task) is another. Users plot their tasks on this graph, according to the effort and impact they assigned. The quadrant each task lands in designates its priority (i.e. “do now”, “do next”, “do later”, and “do last”).

The principle of inertia can help stop procrastination.

The psychological principle of inertia states that people tend to remain in the state of mind they are in. Users can build inertia by starting with easy tasks and transitioning to more challenging ones.


Initially, I explored a design that broke up a large task into smaller milestones.

This design focused completely on large task. However, adding smaller tasks created unnecessary complexity to the design, violating the requirement for the app to be simple. Moreover, momentum inspired in the user was too weak with just a simple progress bar and manually setting the priority of tasks (i.e. “high”, “medium”, “low”).

Iteration 1: Large Tasks with subtasks

A different approach: effort vs. impact matrix to set task priority.

Connecting task priority back to the effort required and outcome achieved allows users to more easily see what they should do first. Additionally focusing on smaller one-off tasks rather than large tasks broken up into smaller ones allows for more simplicity in the app.

Iteration 2: Smaller tasks

Changing card navigation elements to a filtering element.

Using the cards instead of filters makes the user have to go to a separate page then press back in order to sort to-do items, resulting in an inefficient flow.

Old Design: Extra screens required to go back to home flow

New Design: Filters allow for sorting directly from the home screen.

Enforcing consistency in
user interface elements.

Since “overdue” items are sort-able, it made sense to change the placement of the “overdue” items from its own list to a filtering option.

Matching the visual hierarchy of the app to task prioritization.

The initial design featured color coding for the different priority levels. However, the colors I picked were inverse from the traditional color schemes assorted with priority levels. Additionally, Considering “overdue” is highest priority, I increased the visual hierarchy by changing “overdue” into a tags with a box around it.


Final design –
a better to do list app

With feedback I got from testing the existing site, I redesigned World Cares Center's website by making it more visually engaging and easy to use. Below is a selection of pages from the final design.

Change Tabs
Check Off Task
Add a Task
Delete a task
Edit A Task

Reflecting on the
project outcomes

I had a lot of fun exercising my creative muscles for this design challenge. While the UI & flows could be polished further, I think the design I came up with is a great first pass.

Form and function

Designers often design things that just look pretty but fail to consider the actual usability of their work. I learned to minimize the number interactions and to keep them as simple as possible.

Future exploration

If I had more time, I would explore the following ideas: an onboarding experience to explain the app principles, a tab for completed tasks,  a way to gamify of task completion, reminders notifications