
The current site is an usability nightmare

I ran a moderated usability test with 5 participants in order to benchmark the site’s performance. The participants indicated that the site was frustrating to navigate, induced headaches due to information overload, and featured an outdated visual design that contributed to an overall suboptimal user experience.

"So I'm looking for the Disaster Relief Volunteerism Credential . . . I don't really know where to start, there is just a lot off the bat."
"I'm trying to click Board of Directors, but it keeps deselecting. It's annoying trying to hover over it [the nested tab] perfectly."
It's pretty hard to read the white text over the photos. I have to strain to make it out.
"This site looks like it hasn't been update since the early 2000s."
"Wow that is a huge wall of text. Yeah, . . . I'm not even going to try to read that."
“If I wasn’t doing this [moderated usability test], I would have clicked off already.”
"Wow that donation button is pretty small, and aren't they usually at the top of the page?"
"Do I click it [donation button] if I want to donate to Ukraine? Or is it a general donation button to like, the organization?
"How do I know my money will go to the right cause?"

Analytics confirmed
low site engagement

When I ran Google Analytics on the site, the data indicated that users tend to click off the site pretty fast. When they do stay, they visit only a few pages, making discoverability of the volunteer and donation pages critical.


BouncE Rate for New users


Average pages per session


Volunteer page view rate